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Treats for our heroes and food for pets.


In times of war, women play an important role, taking on even more caregiving responsibilities, volunteering, learning new skills, and contributing to restoring Peace and hastening Victory.

​Kateryna Buleiko, just such a strong-willed woman who has an extremely good heart and has been delivering food, medicine, water and all the necessary things for our Defenders for 231 days.

​The founder of the Fund, Lyudmila Stanislavenko, gave Kateryna goodies for our Heroes and food for animals that were left without care and a home.

​The other day, a humanitarian cargo was already delivered to the front line, along with which we transferred a little of our love and care.​❤️

​”Each of our military personnel should feel the support and faith of the people. Many thanks to our partners Charitable foundation “With an angel on my shoulder”and Iryna Plahtii for support and help. We all work together for Victory. With your hands, good deeds and incredible faith in our most powerful army, this is how Victory is created. You are a great back!”,– emphasizes Lyudmila Stanislavenko.

Glory to the Armed Forces!

Glory to Ukraine!


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