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Lyudmyla Stanislavenko donates electrocardiographs to Vinnytsia doctors


Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko has received modern electrocardiographs, allowing doctors to promptly diagnose and monitor the health of patients, particularly those who have suffered severe injuries, including limb amputations. The equipment was provided through the joint efforts of the Lyudmyla Stanislavenko Charitable Foundation and the Volunteer Headquarters “Ukrainian Team” of Vinnytsia.

The initiator of the donation was Lyudmyla Stanislavenko, founder of the foundation, who has repeatedly supported medical institutions in the region.

“Our team is doing everything possible to support doctors who are fighting for the lives and health of people. Especially in these challenging times, when the healthcare system is under immense strain, it is crucial to provide doctors with the tools they need for quality and prompt assistance. The donation of electrocardiographs is just one of the steps toward systematic support for our ‘angels in white coats’. We will continue to help and do our utmost to ensure that our doctors have everything necessary to save lives,” said Stanislavenko.

It is important to note that the electrocardiographs will allow hospital specialists to quickly diagnose cardiac issues in patients, which is critical for individuals with injuries, including military personnel and displaced persons affected by the war. This medical equipment will enable doctors to detect potentially dangerous conditions more rapidly and provide timely care.


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